Our Team

From sales to delivery and every step in between, everyone at Craft New York plays an important role in bringing our suppliers' quality products to our retailers.

Our Management Team

headshot of John Dicairano
John Dicairano
Sales Manager
Dave Maliwacki Headshot
Dave Maliwacki
Operations Manager
Jason Pomerantz headshot
Jason holds a bachelor's degree in accounting from Marist College and has years of corporate accounting experience
Jason Pomerantz
Accounting Manager
Dan is a multi-talented asset, having seen many sides of the industry. With experience as an Operations Analyst, Senior Analyst and now overseeing Key Accounts.
Dan Pomarico-Maxson
Sales Administration & Key Accounts Manager
Dennis Stevens headshot
Dennis began as a warehouse manager and quickly assumed the delivery and fleet management positions
Dennis Stevens
Delivery Manager
Anthony started with us in 2013 as a warehouse night crew worker.
Anthony Kousoulos
Warehouse Manager
Nicholas Nuzzolilo Headshot
Nick works extensively with launching new brands, curating portfolios of current brands and building in market growth.
Nicholas Nuzzolilo
Brand Manager: Beer, Cider & Emerging Brands
Scott Delcore Headshot
Scott has been the Assistant Sales Manager for the Northern Territories since 2018.
Scott Delcore
Assistant Sales Manager: Northern Footprint
Joe Pragay Headshot
Joe, from Yonkers, brings with him vast experience in the beverage industry and focuses on enhancing sales.
Joe Pragay
Assistant Sales Manager: Southern Footprint
Greg Pasicznyk Portrait
Greg has achieved multiple promotions within the company, leading him to his current role as an ASM.
Greg Pasicznyk
Area Sales Manager: Albany / Columbia / Greene / Rensselaer Counties
Ryan Collins Headshot
Starting as a sales representative, Ryan's work ethic and field experience led him to his current position as the Hudson Valley Area Sales Manager.
Ryan Collins
Area Sales Manager: Northern Hudson Valley
Ryan Ferris
Ryan brings a decade of industry experience to his ASM role.
Ryan Ferris
Area Sales Manager: Westchester / Rockland